
获得当代生物学的先进知识 生物学文学学士学位 或者是 生物学学士学位 PG电子试玩平台科技学院任教. 的 Biology BA and BS degree curriculum explores the principles that regulate living organisms, 从分子和细胞到人类和生态系统. 了解学科之间的联系, 包括细胞生物学, 进化, 遗传学与分子生物学, 以及它们在生物学原理中的地位.

许多生物学学生成为临床工作者, 牙医, 教育工作者, 护士, 验光师, 物理治疗师, 医师助理, 医生, 足科医生和兽医. 你可以在生物技术领域工作, 环境或制药领域, 或者选择攻读生物学或相关领域的硕士或博士学位.


  • 生物信息学、细胞生物学、遗传学、生态学和神经科学;
  • 实验数据的批判性评价;
  • expertise in laboratory procedures; and
  • 生物体的生物化学和生物物理原理的鉴定.

生物系是主要研究中心的中心, 研究所及设施, 包括生物多样性中心, 生物物理学和计算生物学中心, 以及生物成像设备. Department faculty members encourage firsthand experiences with cutting-edge technology in the classroom. 你将有机会参加高级研究, 造福社会的科学突破和新发现.


生物学文学学士学位 需要60到63个学时,有三门选修课,而不是六门. You’ll have the flexibility to take courses in the College of Liberal 艺术 while gaining the necessary background in biology for your chosen career path or graduate degree. 的 生物学学士学位 is recommended for those who know they want to pursue a career in science upon completion of the program. 它需要69到75个学分,包括六门高级选修课.


科学技术学院提供+1速成学士-硕士课程. 学生可以获得学士或学士学位,并在第五年结束时获得硕士或硕士学位. Coursework is completed over five years instead of taking the usual six-year course of study.



You can also earn a 生物学专业 from the College of Science and Technology and a Master of Education from the College of Education and Human Development. Qualified students can earn a master’s degree in five years, instead of taking the usual six. 了解更多关于攻读这个加速学位的信息.


International students have the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree from their home institution and a graduate degree from Temple over five years. This multidisciplinary program includes undergraduate- and graduate-level coursework at Temple. Students are prepared for professional careers in today’s global economy and job market.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s Dual Bachelor-Master Program for international students.


的 College of Science and Technology offers 3+4 Accelerated Degree Programs in a seven-year course of study, 而不是通常的八年. 符合条件的本科学生可在中国科技学院生物专业和a

  • 科恩伯格牙科学院牙科医学博士;
  • 足病医学院足病医学博士;
  • 刘易斯·卡茨医学院的医学博士,或者
  • 药学院药学博士.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s 3+4 Accelerated Degree Programs.


Qualified students can earn the 生物学专业 and a Doctor of Physical 的rapy from the College of Public Health over a five-year course of study, 而不是通常的六年.



的 College of Science and Technology 后学士学位预科课程 is designed for students planning to apply to medical school or pursue other health-related professions. 该计划提供以下两个轨道.

  • 的 Basic Core in Health Sciences is intended for professionals who need the required science courses to apply to medical school.
  • 的 Advanced Core in Health Sciences is a program for current students who have met the premedical requirements and who seek advanced science coursework.

Both tracks include classes in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine 和 College of Science and Technology. 了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s 后学士学位预科课程.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $22,224.00 /年
州外: $36,624.00 /年